Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Future Computer

In my Communication Technology class I was intrigued to learn in an hour and 15 minutes how quickly computer technology has advanced. It was only in the early 1970s that the "minicomputers" were developed which make for a funny oxymoron because they were actually the size of refrigerators. This newly introduced technology also had no keyboard or monitor or software! How amazing it is, as I am typing away on my 4.46 pound MAC fully loaded with a high definition retina display screen and soft keyboard, that only 40 years ago these machines were just being conceived. It only goes to show how rapid technology is only beginning to advance. After the history of computer's lecture that Professor Mahood gave I brought up to a geek friend of mine how I couldn't wait to be walking around one day with a laptop that simply rolls up and slides right into my purse. My friend only had to agree with the amazingness of this future invention and went on to tell me how, one day, you will be able to just pop (or project) your computer screen up on a wall, a desk, or car window and make it disappear with the swipe of your hand- being made possible through a technology smaller than the current iPhone. As technology was only beginning to advance 40 years ago, I think we are only at the beginning of a new age of invention and innovation that will bring forth technology we could never imagine. I can't wait to tell my kids (or maybe grandkids) one day, "when I was your age, we had to use laptops the size of textbooks!"